louise baker nrv real estate

October 31, 2023
Real Estate Due Diligence

Decoding Real Estate Due Diligence: Tips for NRV Homebuyers

Real estate due diligence is crucial if you want to buy homes in the New River Valley region of Virginia. For more info about NRV Homes, call Louise Baker.
October 26, 2023
Thanksgiving Dinner Blacksburg VA

Thanksgiving Dinner in Blacksburg VA: Where to Go

Relish an array of culinary delights and get together with friends and family. Explore the top spots for Thanksgiving dinner in Blacksburg VA.
October 19, 2023
Real Estate Closing

The Fine Print: A Primer on Real Estate Closing

Real estate closing is the final essential step to complete a home purchase and includes a lot of paperwork and steps. Get guidance from NRV.
August 31, 2023
Wedding Vendors around Blacksburg

Wedding Vendors around Blacksburg VA

Find credible wedding vendors around Blacksburg. Check out our recommended list of experienced wedding vendors.
July 27, 2023
How to Prepare Your NRV Home

Ready, Set Sell: How to Prepare Your NRV Home for a Successful Sale

Make sure you're focusing on the right things when selling a property. Here are effective ways on how to prepare your NRV home the right way!
May 18, 2023
new river valley

From Hiking Trails to Campus Life: Why the New River Valley is a Great Place to Call Home

Are you looking for a place to call home? Read this post and learn more about New River Valley and why it is a fantastic place to settle down!
April 20, 2023
sell your nrv home

Why Spring is the Best Time to Sell Your NRV Home

Are you planning to sell your NRV home? Read this post for our top reasons spring is the best time to sell your New River Valley home.
February 16, 2023
urban vs. small town living

Urban vs. Small Town Living: A Comparison of Community and Sense of Belonging

Urban vs. small town living. How do they compare? This post will compare what you can expect from living in a city or a small town.
February 9, 2023
coffee places around floyd county va

Top-Rated Coffee Places around Floyd County VA

Are you one of the many who needs a good cup of coffee wherever you go? This post gives you four great coffee places around Floyd County VA!